Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Mom's Christmas Picture

Christmas Party!!
AHHH! Chocolate Monster!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Great First Run
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Change of Plans
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Anthony's itching to snowboard so badly! Our mountains have been getting inches and inches of snow...and that's not normal for our region this early in the season. So Thursday morning early...we're heading up to Sugar Mountain to carve some tracks! I haven't decided if I'm going to ski or snowboard yet...but it's supposed to be a beautiful day! I'm sure it'll be great.
I'll let you know how the conditions were!
We sincerely hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday weekend and enjoy the time spent with your family and friends!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Twilight Movie Review
Anthony and I and a friend went to see Twilight on Opening Night, Friday. I was really, super excited about it, but I knew I might not like it. I LOVED the book and I was sure they wouldn't do it justice. Here's what I thought:
Edward was HOT! At first I didn't like Robert Pattinson as Edward, but he did a great job. Definitly hot enough to be Edward.
Bella was great. Kristen did a great job...super sweet, high school girl love.
Jasper was WEIRD. Why did he always look so funky? And what about his "special" abilities? They weren't even mentioned!
Rosalie and Alice were kind of what I expected. Although, Alice needed more of a part than she was given.
Carslisle was not at ALL what I expected. I didn't like him at all. He was the palest and pastiest of them all! Gross! He was supposed to be Hot like Edward.
Jacob was too pretty. I mean I think he was cute in the book..but he wasn't 'pretty'.
There was only one part where I was REALLY upset during the movie: *spoilers*
When she finally figures out what he is and they walked into the woods (what was that?) and he suddenly tells her she has to see him in the sunlight and he grabs her and runs with her up the hillside. That Bothered me! That's NOT how it happened...where was the meadow with the sweet love scene? How hard is it for them to hike to a meadow and have a sweet scene. I didn't like the shiney skin either...I expected more of a radiance..a kind of glowing reflection of the sun that shone off his skin. Either way..that whole 5-10 minutes really bothered me.
I really liked the baseball game...and I liked the VERY end as the credits were rolling. I won't say much ore for those who haven't seen it!
Who's ready for New Moon?
PS. Why can't I be a hottie vampire?!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween Fun!
There are also some pics of Anthony and Lile and me at a cornmaze near our house. It was lots of fun...we got lost...and there were no restrooms on site. Talk about exciting!
It was a pretty fun day though...our sweet little family picture is in the web album, check us out!
Way Cool!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Our group is headed for the hills this weekend! We're going up to West Virginia again to camp. We're a little nervous about it being cold, so we borrowed Ant's parent's camper. Hopefully we can crank the heater up and stay toasty.
We're headed up again because it's Bridge Day. One day a year they close the hugified bridge up there and let people base jump off it. And before you guys freak out...NO we're not jumping. We're just going to watch! However, there is a zipline from the top corner of the bridge down to the New River banks below...over 600 feet! I hope we get to....it'll be freaking awesome!!
I'll post crazy, beautiful pics when we get back.
So Frustrated...
Anyway..I just needed somewhere to vent. Sorry...
I try to remember the light at the end of the tunnel....I'm supposed to graduate in May. I hope it gets here SOON!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
All I can say is that this morning I got breakfast in bed and was serenaded by a beautiful guitar! Go see it...tell me what you think!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
A Sad, Sad Day...
In memory of this very sad day...this day of rememberance...here is one of my favorite pictures of our Hawaii vacation, our tall friends, Ren & Anna.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Campin' and Creepin'
July 4th Fireworks
We sat in the lawn beside the lake under the shadow of Grandfather Mountain's "Mile High Swinging Bridge." For those of you who don't know, it doesn't actually swing anymore! It's quite safe.
The fireworks were perfectly reflected! This was a series of fireworks that zig-zagged back and forth across the water. They were beautiful!
I think this one looks like a flower and it's my favorite! This one will definitly be printed and framed!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
New York is Coming!
Also...Anthony and I are going to the beach Sunday - Wednesday, then going to West Virginia from Friday - Sunday....
Many pictures will follow! I know it's been a while and I'm sorry! I'll try to catch up.
Summer classes are almost over! Hooray!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Lile's first Homemade Haircut!
As you can see....she wasn't terribly happy about it! I took this picture in the middle of the haircut! I thought she looked like a lion...she now has VERY little hair! And the day I cut it she shivered the whole time she was in the house! We had to cover her up with a blanket because she was cold!
This is a pile of hair...in the middle of the cut! You should've seen it when I was finished! It was like a snow storm!
Ok...so I know it's been a while...but what a while it's been!
We always make a point to play Putt-Putt while we're on vacation. This is Hillbilly Golf...you have to ride a little cart that carries you up the mountain to get to the playing areas. It's up the side of a mountain and completly in the shade. It was a great break from the super hot temperatures...Ok, Ren & Anna..maybe not super hot like Arizona...just keep in mind that our hot is extremly humid hot, and is completly different!
Anyway..we had good times here...until Faith got cranky!
The boys actually did some crazy bungee thing...and almost all of us rode go-karts and played video games and such...but Erin has those pics and I haven't gotten them from her yet...so I'll show you when I get them.
The girls did plenty of shopping...all the outlet malls and cute little stores downtown make for a great place to spend your money. We also spent alot of time eating...not just the girls, but everyone! That seems to be a theme with our group!
Our cabin was really nice...and pleas
antly "cozy." It slept 8 people, but only had two bedrooms and two baths. So Anthony and I shared a bedroom with Jeromy and Anna on the futon. Gary and Erin were on the pull-out couch in the living room and Collin, Melissa and the baby were in the big bedroom downstairs. The two bathrooms were inside the two bedrooms...so when Gary and Erin needed to potty in the night they had to come upstairs to our bedroom to tinkle...and our bathroom door was the LOUDEST, squeakiest door you could ever imagine! What an adventure. Not to mention that there was practically NO insullation anywhere, so there were no secrets...we could actually see the light from Collin and Melissa's bedroom through our floor boards. But it was great..Our next big adventure was our visitor!
I found this guy in the shower...right before I stepped in I noticed there was something in the corner near the drain. I almost just swished him down the drain with water...but I decided to put my glasses back on and see what it was. I said "Anna...you've gotta come see this bug, it looks like a scorpion." She says..."No way, Kyla...it can't be a scorpion, that's silly." So she finally gets up and comes to see it...and she was like "Oh my goodness, Kyla, it really is a scorpion...it's even got a curly tail! WOW!" So we checked it out and sure enough..it really was a scorpion! We googled it..and this type of scorpion is native to Eastern TN, and Western NC mountains...it also said that life-long residents should consider themselves lucky if they actually get to see one of these guys.
What a surprise!! I sure am glad I put my glasses on and checked it out before I just hopped in!! Anthony scooped it out and put him back out across the road, safely away from our shower!
We had a great time...and we've decided we need to do this every year...but somewhere different next time. I'll share more pics when I get them from everybody else....
Friday, June 6, 2008
My new endeavor...
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Linville Falls
Anyway....we took Lile for her first BIG adventure and she was wonderful! She walked so good on her leash and stayed right with us. She was sooo tired by the time we headed home! Poor little puppy had never walked that far in her whole little life! We just love that little thing!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Sunday fun!
These turtles were sunning on the trees...they just sat patiently while we paddled by. Until Lile started barking and scared them!! She wasn't sure what to think of them!
How cute are we?!?!
This is Lile having one of her "mommy moments." She almost fell in the water trying to get into my boat...
Friday, April 25, 2008
So many of us are in grad school and we all have tons of projects to complete....
Monday, March 31, 2008
We're going on Vaca!!
So we booked a cabin that sleeps 8. We're planning on having 8 adults and one very cute and adorable child, if everyone does actually come!
Here's the link to check out where we'll be calling home for a few days in June.
Anyway....We're already excited...if you couldn't tell. I LOVE MY FRIENDS!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Picture Fun!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Vote for Lile!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
My Jessica
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Anthony...but occasionally it's Sugar Bear!
How long have we been married?
2 years
How old is he?
Who eats more?
Definitly Anthony!! Who knows where he puts all that food! If he's been working out....watch your fingers!
Who said I love you first?
Me for sure! Anthony didn't mind at all!! *wink*
Who is taller?
Who sings better?
Probably me...but Anthony is really good when he sings in the car!
Whose temper is worse?
This is a hard question...I think I lose mine faster than Anthony, but when he gets mad it's not good...he prefers not to fight, so I get the silent treatment.
Who is smarter?
Definitely Anthony...can you say MENSA member?
Who mows the lawn?
Anthony, and it always looks so good!
Who pays the bills?
We use both of our monies....but Anthony is very particular, to say the least, so he actually pays the bills.
Who does the dishes?
Depends on who cooks...but usually Anthony.
Who cooks dinner?
I do, usually. Although, Anthony has started helping me once a week now, it's a nice break.
Who drives when you are together?
Almost always Anthony...he doesn't like the way I drive! If I drive to dinner..he takes the keys from me and drives home! HA!
Who is more stubborn?
I think Anthony...
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong?
We both have trouble here...but I think I say I'm sorry first.
Who has more friends?
We have mostly shared friends...but I have girlfriends that I hang out with too...
Saturday, January 19, 2008
New Year's
First Snowfall!
Then I took some fun pics... There's not much snow, but it was enough for us to play. Lile got nasty because she started to dig in the yard and found the mud. Her face and paws turned red!!
Then we got all cleaned up....she's so cute!