Ok...so I know it's been a while...but what a while it's been!
So you all know we rented a cabin in Gatlinburg, TN for all of our friends so we would be able to spend some quality time together. We went June 12-16 and we had a GREAT time! Here are a few of our adventures...
We all enjoyed walking the streets of Gatlinburg...this is in front of the Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum..This is a ball of solid granite floating on water. You can stop it from rolling, or change its direction with only a finger..it's pretty cool.
From left-to-right we are...Anthony,Gary, Collin, Erin, Melissa & Baby Faith...Jeromy and Anna joined us later.
Faith figured out a way to squeeze all the money out of all of our pockets! But she was just so darn cute tossing coins into the fountain...

We always make a point to play Putt-Putt while we're on vacation. This is Hillbilly Golf...you have to ride a little cart that carries you up the mountain to get to the playing areas. It's up the side of a mountain and completly in the shade. It was a great break from the super hot temperatures...Ok, Ren & Anna..maybe not super hot like Arizona...just keep in mind that our hot is extremly humid hot, and is completly different!
Anyway..we had good times here...until Faith got cranky!

The boys actually did some crazy bungee thing...and almost all of us rode go-karts and played video games and such...but Erin has those pics and I haven't gotten them from her yet...so I'll show you when I get them.
The girls did plenty of shopping...all the outlet malls and cute little stores downtown make for a great place to spend your money. We also spent alot of time eating...not just the girls, but everyone! That seems to be a theme with our group!
Our cabin was really nice...and pleas
antly "cozy." It slept 8 people, but only had two bedrooms and two baths. So Anthony and I shared a bedroom with Jeromy and Anna on the futon. Gary and Erin were on the pull-out couch in the living room and Collin, Melissa and the baby were in the big bedroom downstairs. The two bathrooms were inside the two bedrooms...so when Gary and Erin needed to potty in the night they had to come upstairs to our bedroom to tinkle...and our bathroom door was the LOUDEST, squeakiest door you could ever imagine! What an adventure. Not to mention that there was practically NO insullation anywhere, so there were no secrets...we could actually see the light from Collin and Melissa's bedroom through our floor boards. But it was great..Our next big adventure was our visitor!

I found this guy in the shower...right before I stepped in I noticed there was something in the corner near the drain. I almost just swished him down the drain with water...but I decided to put my glasses back on and see what it was. I said "Anna...you've gotta come see this bug, it looks like a scorpion." She says..."No way, Kyla...it can't be a scorpion, that's silly." So she finally gets up and comes to see it...and she was like "Oh my goodness, Kyla, it really is a scorpion...it's even got a curly tail! WOW!" So we checked it out and sure enough..it really was a scorpion! We googled it..and this type of scorpion is native to Eastern TN, and Western NC mountains...it also said that life-long residents should consider themselves lucky if they actually get to see one of these guys.
What a surprise!! I sure am glad I put my glasses on and checked it out before I just hopped in!! Anthony scooped it out and put him back out across the road, safely away from our shower!
We had a great time...and we've decided we need to do this every year...but somewhere different next time. I'll share more pics when I get them from everybody else....