Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Don't make me do it!

Ok....I just don't want to go. I could cry....that's how much I don't want to go. That's right, Meet the Teacher night is tomorrow night. That means I'll be at school all day tomorrow...from 8 -6:30 at the earliest, but more like 7. We'll get a short break for lunch at a local church, but other than that it's an all day thing. Open house starts at 4:30.....but here we go again....ultimately you ALWAYS have someone who's rude enough to come at 2, or even at 12. "Oh well..I can't come tonight so I thought I'd come earlier. Hope that's OK." So forget that my room's not finished, forget that I won't have changed clothes and gotten ready, forget that it's WAYYY too early....they'll be there anyway. In fact, one student's family actually came today..not for me, but for 5th grade. But I mean really.... it's NOT OK to come a whole day early. I mean really...we don't even have the class lists finished. Kids are still enrolling every day. Ridiculous.

So...if you couldn't tell I really don't want to go to work. I don't want to start back to school, and I'm not ready for the kids to come back. Not that any of that matters to anyone, or that anyone cares. The days will pass, the kids will come and hopefully Christmas will come early!

Monday, August 10, 2009

So, so sad...

This is my last week before school starts back! I have exactally one week before teacher workdays start and then I'm done for! Where has the summer gone? It might have something to do with how often I was out of town....but I'm not ready to go back!!! My room is a disaster and I'll have to go in a few days this week and get it together, or next week's workdays will be toast! They're always full of meetings and junk...never get anything done..then there's meet the teacher night! Yuck!!!! That is definitely the LEAST fun night of the whole year!
You have to get dressed up and smile and be friendly and act like you'll love their child no matter what! I mean, of course I will....but I mean, really. It's so awful for me and for them. It's not like I'm going to get to know them or learn anything about them that night that will be helpful or important. And they're not going to learn anything from me that they wouldn't have learned anyway.
This is just my rant....I'm sure there will be more to come as August 2oth approaches. Then school starts the 25....WOW! I don't even want to think about it anymore.