6 Weeks
Look at that....NO belly! All my pants still fit!
8 Weeks
Not much different, not much to see.

10 Weeks
Beginning to see a bump, but still not much...
12 Weeks
3 months down, 6 to go! All my pants still fit, but there's a tiny bump.
14 Weeks
Ok...it's official. I popped! Here's the belly...although now we're 17 weeks.
My pants don't fit anymore and I've had to move to maternity pants. But the problem with that is that they're all too big! So I spend my day yanking and pulling at them b/c they keep falling down! Soon enough I'm sure that problem won't exist.
I haven't felt the baby yet....I keep thinking of your post, Anna R., about feeling Tristan for the first time. The doctor said it might not be until 19 or 20 weeks. Guess we'll just have to wait and see!
I'm still bummed about having to wait 4 more weeks to find out the sex. I wanna know NOW!