Just wanted to show off some of our handiwork! We're up to 5 feet now and the next row is of accent tiles. It looks so good! I know we did it ourselves and we're proud parents of a new bathroom, but it's really nice! We're planning on getting lots more done this weekend. We didn't work on it this weekend b/c we ran away to Gatlinburg!

What a nice little seat that is! Thanks honey for working that in!
We're also getting ready to have the lovely textured wallpaper removed from the nursery. You have to picture this stuff. It's grass mat wallpaper....that's been painted. Yeah, just picture that for a minute. Yep, gross. If you run into it, or scrape your fingers against it you lose skin. Not ideal for small ones who fall down. Not only is it in the baby's room, it's down the hall, down the stairs, and in the mudroom downstairs. It's AWFUL! We've hated it since the day we moved in, but we knew we'd tackle it one day. We're so "home projected" out we just couldn't do this by ourselves, too. So there's a crew coming this week to remove the paper from the baby's walls. A very nice thought. And Anthony's dad wants to paint it for us, and he even wants to put up crown molding and do something really nice. So thankful we won't have to do it!
On top of all that we ran away this weekend to Gatlinburg, TN. We needed a break from the work at home and a chance to get away before the baby comes. We didn't want to travel too far from home in the 3rd trimester, which is only 3 weeks away! We stayed downtown Gatlinburg, since it's soo hard to park in that town. We walked around in like 20 degree weather on Friday night, bundled up with hats, scarves, and gloves. Oooh, it was soo cold. But the lights were beautiful and it was nice to be away. Of course I was AWFUL and didn't actually take any pictures! Except these:

Because I-40 is closed due to a rockslide we had to take an alternative route. We ended up driving the scenic route through Cherokee, NC to get to Gatlinburg. Just outside of town in Cherokee we saw some people parked in a random place. When we looked this is what we saw!!! I'm pretty sure they're elk! They're definitely not the white tailed deer we see here at home. They were beautiful! Just peacefully grazing on some yummies. They just stood there and ignored all of us. Of course, we didn't get out of the car, but some of the crazies behind us did. No way am I getting close to those wild animals. My dad always taught me a healthy fear of the wild. Look, don't touch.
Anyway, we had a great time and got some shopping done. We had hoped to see some snow,but no such luck. Just reallllly cold. We watched a really funny dinner show called "Hoot 'n Holler." We were served delicious baked ziti, manicotti, and chicken parmesan. It was yummy and the comedian was really funny. It was a cute Christmas show, with tons of laughs mixed in.
We also ordered baby furniture last week and went to pick it up tonight! This really feels real!! We're not setting it up until we have the wallpaper taken down and the new paint job up. However, my baby's future sleeping arrangements are sitting in the basement! What a feeling...
A few doctor updates:
We had another ultrasound on Thursday, December 10. He's so cute! He was nodding his head like yeah! And he waved and kicked and wiggled. She just needed to get a couple more pictures, that's why we had another ultrasound. It was the first time the doctor measure my tummy with the tape measure. We were 25 weeks but measured 30 weeks. I asked if my weight gain was significant or if I needed to cut back, but no that's not it. So they're sending us to Charlotte this Thursday for a level 2 ultrasound. They just want to get some better pictures. Dr. said the measurement might be because the baby is very big, or because I have excess fluid. Either way, we're just going to check it out and get some really good baby pictures in the process. The doctor said we might even get 3-D images, too! How exciting! I'm sure everything is fine, but we'll see later this week.