Lincoln got his first haircut on Friday! It was bittersweet....he was so precious as he sat there in that chair and was a perfect angel. He didn't fuss or cry once. He never tried to take the scissors away from Melissa or anything. Anthony decided that his curls over his ears were getting unruly and needed a trim. I had already said that I wasn't cutting his curls from the back! I'm afraid if I cut them off they won't come back. He looked at the comb and held one so he could brush his hair while she was cutting. He turned to see what she was doing maybe once or twice, but that was it. Otherwise he just sat there and waited to be finished!
He gave her this look when she brushed his hair into his eyes so she could snip it.
He had to help sweep when he was finished! He LOVES a broom!
Here's the bittersweet part, he looks sooo much older!! Something about that messy curly look said sweet little boy. Now that it's all trimmed up and short in the front it's such a big boy cut! I have to admit I shed a tear! Anthony saw him when he got home and said he wished we wouldn't have cut it....we're going to let it grow back out!! :)
On Saturday we decided to check out a zip line course here near home.
The Beanstalk Journey is here in Morganton, NC. The course has like 5 wood bridges and 5 zip lines. Here we are all suited up and ready to head out on the course.
You had to climb up the Giant's Ladder to get onto the course! It's a huge rope tube.
My very fist zip!! It was tons of fun! We're about 50 feet off the ground and each zip is about 50 feet long. Except for the last one, that's 500 feet!

Anthony showing his personality!! We obviously didn't take Lincoln. This place doesn't allow anyone under 4 years old or 70 pounds. Not to mention that after our 3rd rope bridge and 2nd zip line the sky turned ominous. Huge black clouds came rolling in and filled the sky. As we were trying to get from one treehouse to the next the wind REALLY started whipping! I mean, blowing the pine trees a good 15 feet over and showering us with branches and leaves. Then came the rain...COLD, cold rain! Just a few drops at first, so it was OK. They were going to let us finish the course. Then suddenly: thunder!! And the sky opened up and poured on us! They had to "rescue" us by tying us to a rope and rappelling us down from the tower. We made it about halfway through the course, enough to know that we liked it and want to do it again. The best part is we get a FREE pass to return any time! So not only did we get halfway, we get to go back for free!!! That's my kind of trip. And it was a big adventure! We weren't scared, just cold and wet! We will definitely return to use our free passes soon...
Sunday, June 19th was Father's Day.
This is Anthony's 2nd Father's Day and he is such a good daddy. Lincoln adores him and loves to play with him. They wrestle in the floor and play guitar together. Ok, so Lincoln just really smacks the strings and carries it around. But it's still cute! Yesterday at a yard sale I bought Lincoln a big tool box full of cute little plastic tools. Some are Little Tykes toys that make noises (without any batteries!) that sound so fun. There's even a tool belt. We filled it up with tools today and he wore it around the house taking all the tools out of it! Anthony can't wait until Lincoln is old enough to start helping around the house. Not because he doesn't want to do the work, but because he wants to do it with Lincoln and teach him how to do things, like his daddy did.

We got him a Kindle. He's always talking about how the books in the basement are taking up so much space and we've sold about all the ones we're willing to part with. So I thought that an e-reader would be a great way that he could still have his books, but not have them cluttering up the house. Plus, he reads like 3 books at a time anyway...and this way he doesn't have to pack 3 books in his suitcase!
Lincoln loves Daddy!!!