We went to the doctor last week...Friday. It was the first time we were able to hear Baby's heartbeat! Unless you've had that moment for yourself you just can't imagine the feeling of hearing the life inside you for the first time. It's indescribable. Anthony was actually able to join me at the doctor's office. He can't usually make it to the appointments because he works till 5 or after every day. It just so happened that he had some strategically placed cancellations and was able to meet me there. I'm so very glad that he did. He wanted to hear Baby's heartbeat too. I can't blame him. I wouldn't have missed it for anything!
Dr. Miletich found that thump thump on the first try, then she laughed because the squiggler wiggled away from the doppler. When she finally got a good reading on it she said it was right at 150 beats per minute. I was shocked! Lincoln's was always above 160 and I'm pretty sure there were times when he was in the 170s when it was this early in the pregnancy. This is the first difference in the two pregnancies. And an interesting one at that! I wonder what this means?! Does this truly mean that this is a boy because of the lower heart rate? Or is it a girl because it's different than Lincoln's?! Or does it really not mean anything because all of those factors are all very subjective anyway?! Who knows....
We scheduled our next ultrasound and appointment for October 18. God willing, and with a little cooperation we will find out if this Baby is a boy or a girl!! I'm VERY excited to say the least. I'm the kinda girl who needs to know NOW! I've gotta plan, gotta think , gotta get mentally prepared! Plus, I've gotta shop!!! :)
It's funny how much faster things happen with baby #2. I am totally in maternity pants because nothing else fits. My shirts will fit for a long time yet since so many of them are flowy anyway. Thankfully being pregnant in the exact same seasons means I don't have to buy many new things. Of course I've gotten a few things here and there, gotta add some variety. But nothing like last time when I started from nothing! I've even shared some of my stash with a girl at work who is 10 weeks ahead of me and had NOTHING to wear. Poor girl. It was some clothing I received as a hand-me-down and it just wasn't my style. But they look cute on her and I was happy to help. I have some extra "Bump Bucks" to spend at Motherhood Maternity this week and I can't wait to buy a new pair of comfy pants for work. That's the hardest part, spending money on stuff to wear to work. Yuck...I'd rather by cute fun stuff. *Insert mantra: I can do anything until March!!!*
On an even brighter note, my niece is born!!! Zoey Taylor was born last Sunday, September 18, 2011 at 5:12 am. She weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces and was happy and healthy. (No middle name decided on as of yet.) Zoey and Leslie are both well. Zane loves her to pieces and just wants to hold her and touch her and kiss her!! Sooo sweet. I hope Lincoln is a good big brother like that!
What a chunker! She's sweet and very soft and snuggly. I held her and she just slept and snorted. She makes all kinds of little noises! I don't have a picture of me with Zoey cause Leslie took them on her camera and I haven't scavenged them yet. But soon!
Check out this SUPER cute poster I made for Leslie's hospital door:
I made one very similar to this 3 1/2 years ago when Zane was born. I thought it was only fitting that Zoey should get one, too! Holding her certainly makes me happy that I'm pregnant and that I'll get to hold this little one before I know it. Oh how time flies!
Lincoln update:
This kid is AMAZING!!! He does something new and wonderful every day. More on that later!! But for now here are a few cute pics of my toddler!!!
Lincoln and Nana on a visit to Ma-maw's house this summer. He's such an outside boy! It was a beautiful day and we got to play outside.
His super cute Mickey hat! Did you see the ears!?
Lincoln update:
This kid is AMAZING!!! He does something new and wonderful every day. More on that later!! But for now here are a few cute pics of my toddler!!!
Lincoln and Nana on a visit to Ma-maw's house this summer. He's such an outside boy! It was a beautiful day and we got to play outside.
His super cute Mickey hat! Did you see the ears!?