Baby is officially a girl!!
Look at that little baby girl! I know she looks a little bit like Skeletor, but she's beautiful anyway! Check this one out!!
Her little hands are up by her ears and her little legs are crossed! She was incredibly cooperative! She was wiggly but not so much that we couldn't see what we need. I have to say I'm a little disappointed that I haven't felt her moving around yet. I need to look back at Lincoln's belly book, but I'm pretty sure I could feel him by like 14 or 15 weeks. Turns out I have an anterior placenta this layman's terms that means the placenta is attached in the front of the uterus. So when baby girl kicks around the movement is absorbed by the placenta and I don't feel it. The doctor says I will feel it more towards my back and of course once she gets bigger it will be easier. I just hope I'm not missing out on those first little wiggles!
As soon as our ultrasound tech, Wendy, put the wand to my stomach we had a gender shot! I made her turn the monitor my way so I could see. We were all really quiet for about 15 seconds while Wendy moved the wand around. I sucked in a breath and said "Wendy, is there a penis there?!" She laughed a little and said she wanted to look in one more direction but she was pretty sure she didn't see one. So she moved and wiggled it some more and finally said it was certainly a girl!!!! In fact, she said with as much 99% accuracy as she can give me that it's a girl! I just squeezed Anthony and cried. Not that a brother for Lincoln wouldn't have been wonderful. It would've been. But to be able to have a girl, to have one of each, to get a brother and sister is just so special!

I know this will probably be terribly embarrassing later, but I wanted to make sure I showed you! Especially Anna F! Once the midwife took a look at these pictures she laughed out loud and said that she'd give me 100% accuracy that this is a girl! She said it doesn't get any more "girl" than that!
I met with Val at our appointment on Tuesday...she delivered Lincoln. Well, except for the part at the end where Dr. Faruque had to come in and use the suction cup. She congratulated us on another pregnancy and said girls were nice, she had two. Baby Girl is perfect. All is well and healthy and right on schedule. Her heart rate was 151, slower than Lincoln's.

The only thing that concerns me is that Val called her "petite." She's only 38%ile for weight. She said it's nothing to worry about, but she wanted to let me know that she's small. I'm sure she'll catch up. Lincoln was no little squirt...and hasn't ever been! We aren't scheduled to get another ultrasound and they won't start measuring my belly for growth until after 20 weeks. But I'm sure if anything is concerning that we'll get another look at her just to make sure all is well. We had soo many ultrasounds with Lincoln that will surely be an adjustment. Only seeing her twice through the pregnancy is "normal" but certainly doesn't seem quite fair!
I was resigned to the fact that this baby was a boy. Even my mom thought it was a boy. Even Anthony's mom thought it was a boy. These pregnancies have been identical so I just figured it was another boy. Sweet! We could reuse all those clothes, shoes, and sweet blankets. Lincoln is a most incredible kid, I totally wouldn't have minded having another!
But think of all the new frilly pink stuff we will get! Think of the room decorating we get to do! What a new adventure for our family! Plus all the drama I'm pretty sure will come...
I have to admit that we're both a little relieved this is a girl. We have had a "girl" name picked out since practically the moment we found out we were pregnant back in July. But NO boy names made us both happy. We couldn't agree on a single name. Lincoln was very difficult to agree took Anthony a while to come around. What's funny though is that this girl name isn't the girl name we had for when Lincoln was cooking. We had a girl named picked for Lincoln too...but when we found out we were pregnant again Anthony told me he didn't want to use that name anymore. Great, I thought! Here we go again trying to decide! But thankfully our dear friend Erin was on vacation with us and as we were driving through Yellowstone National Park she was struck with inspiration! And voila!!!! Erin has named our baby girl!
Don't ask. Cause we're not telling!
At least not yet. We held onto Lincoln's name for a while before we shared it. It's kinda nice to have a secret that's just ours! I'm pretty sure we made it until December before we told Lincoln's name. Anthony just asked me today how long he thought I'd hold out. I told him it just depends on how I feel! Right now, I feel like keeping it a secret....but who knows in a few weeks. :)
I can't post a blog without bragging on my beautiful boy! He turned 18 months in October! Where did the time go?! Really?! He's incredible...he's always moving, non-stop! He talks ALL the time and can probably say between 50 and 60 words clearly enough that we totally understand. We are also still using sign language and he has probably 10 other signs for words he can't say. Every time he masters a sign I give him a new one, one that's more difficult since his motor skills are improving so much.
I have to say that it's been a HUGE success and there's very little drama at our house and around. Because of his vocabulary and his signs he can pretty much communicate most of his wants and needs. If he's hungry he can tell us. If he's thirsty he can tell us. If he's stinky, if he wants to go outside, if he wants more something, he can tell us. I'm not saying there aren't tantrums and pouting spells here. But those are usually only because he's sooo independent and doesn't want any help. Or because he's not ready to come inside, or get out of the bath tub!
He eats fairly well..depending on the day really. He's still taking two naps a day, though I'm not sure for how much longer. He loves milk and juice. He's especially fond of mac & cheese, hot dogs, grapes, yogurt, fruit of all kinds, fries, chips, and crackers. He can build with blocks, "play" his guitar, he scoots alll over the house and the deck on his Radio Flyer scooter. He chases Lile from one end of the house to the other, screaming all the way! He loves buckets and things with lids, and MUSIC! He's crazy about music! His favorite song is "Move" by MercyMe. If you haven't listened to it, just one time and you'll understand why he's hooked! If he sees me holding my iPod, he shouts "Move!" and starts shaking his hips! So precious.