These are in no particular order! Anthony and I had a Wonderful Christmas! It's very interesting to be pregnant this year, and knowing it's our last year as just the two of us. We're incredibly excited about a baby joining the family but it's a little sad to know we'll have to share each other next year. Does that make sense?! are some of the pics I took while we were in our Christmas splendor!

Our nephew, Zane playing with our Christmas present. It's a chair that unfolds to make a race car and it has a steering wheel and makes noises. It's terribly cute! He loved it! "Queen!" he yells.

I have to admit I think this is a cute picture! My mom's giant 12 foot Christmas tree in the background and our little (but growing) family! I've got little Lile and baby Lincoln growing inside! How exciting!!!

Zane sure loves his tractors! This was one of his only still moments on Christmas morning at Nana's house! Mommy was opening presents and he was checking them out. You have NO idea how much he looks just like my brother, unless you know Kaleb that is!

Two of my favorite gifts from Anthony...a cuddly, soft bath robe and my double diploma frame from ASU for my bachelor's and master's degrees! They are already proudly displayed and hanging downstairs!

My grandparents' house on Christmas Eve. These are my dad's parents, his sister and her daughter, and us! If you don't dad's in the blue shirt and glasses in the back, brother, sister-in-law, and mom on the left. The right side is my Aunt Sheila and cousin Taylor.

Sweet Lile in front of the tree!

Anthony got a ping pong table for Christmas! He was very excited. Needless to say I can't wrap the table, so he got the paddles instead!
We had a great Christmas season and a nice New Year. All our friends were just in this weekend for our annual Christmas party. There were 13 of us in all this year...and we're still growing! We had a fabulous time together...we always do. That'll have to be another post for another day!