Monday, January 11, 2010


We're seriously considering cloth diapering. Any thoughts, hints, tips or tricks? I've been looking online at blogs and websites and such and there's so much information out there. Know someone who knows someone? I'm still gathering information...


Durhman/Rupert said...

Hello! I have other friends who have had babies and did the same research. They have found that it is slightly more work (cleaning and disinfecting the cloth) and it really isn't that much better for the environment with the amount of soap and water necessary to clean them properly. That's just what I heard. Good luck!

Ren, Anna, & Tristan said...

You are too good. The thought crossed my mind once...and I quickly pushed it away. :)

Kyla and Anthony said...

Thanks for the help, Anna! We're not sure yet...still finding info.
Thanks for the tip Shauna...that's kind of what we're discovering.
And it might be a moot point anyway, I thought I'd get to stay home for a whole year, but that's not going to work....
Guess we'll just wait and see.