Monday, March 1, 2010

Vance Shower
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Given by Toni Vance, Aleta Blevins, & Carol Hamby

A yummy, homemade cake. We also had chicken salad, egg salad, and pimento cheese. Everything was homemade with love by Aleta Kay and Gary. It was very yummy. I tried Bree for the first time, an interesting flavor. And of course, fruits, cheeses, and other yummies.

Anthony came to this shower because it was given by his family. His mom, and two aunts were in charge. He was a little silly....but that's to be expected!

A super-cute diaper cake made by Vicky Brown. Those cute little toys light up!! It's covered with socks, bibs, washcloths, pacifiers, and that super cute turtle on top. It's just sitting in Lincoln's room because I don't want to take it apart!

A family friend made balloon figures to decorate the tables. This was my favorite, it's a motorcycle! There was another super cute one that was a stork.
We got some wonderful gifts. From handmade blankets to our video monitor it was all very nice.

Thanks ladies!

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