Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Holy cow!!! It's official....Lincoln has taken his first "real" steps. On Monday night while we were eating dinner he just let go of his high chair and took 4-5 steps to the ottoman! It was sooo awesome to watch! He had such a look of pure determination on his face! Of course we just sat there staring in awe, so there are no pictures or videos! As soon as he reached the ottoman he just laughed and giggled...then proceeded to roll around in the floor clapping his hands and laughing. He got the biggest kick out of it...and out of us telling him what a good job he'd done. Sweet Sweet Sweet!! And for the record...he did it again tonight. He walked from me to Anthony holding a Baby Einstein video (Thanks Laura!) while we were playing in the living room.

I guess I should also mention that as hard as it is to believe, we've mailed our birthday invitations! I can NOT believe my baby is almost a year old! It's so cliche, but time really DOES fly! I mean really...just yesterday he was just a tiny blob laying around all day just eating and sleeping. Now he doesn't even sit down long enough to do anything! :)

What a crazy, unbelievable, precious, time consuming, scary, worrisome, fabulous, awe inspiring, blessed year it has been. We've attended many birthday parties lately, all our friends are turning one also! We can't wait to share this precious day with our closest friends and family. I just love that boy to pieces! I wish he could stay little forever cause I just love to hug and squeeze and kiss on him...but it's not to be. There will be many, many more stages and ages that I wish would last forever. And I'm sure there will be plenty that I can't wait to pass through quickly! 

Here's hoping the next year is as wonderful as this year was!! Gosh how I love my family!

Lincoln with my beloved Kyle! I've had this wonderful bear since I turned 16! He's been on EVERY trip I've ever taken (yes, even the honeymoon!) and he's even been in the mail! (Thanks for that one, Aunt Sheila!) This bear should have a passport...for it would be peppered with stamps!

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