Saturday we spent the day cleaning...and cleaning lots! My friend Michelle's family came to pick up the bedroom suit from Baby Girl's room. It's very helpful to have that room cleaned out finally. Which meant we were able to put Pumpkin's crib together!
Anthony was very studious with the directions. But no matter, we ended up putting the back legs on with the holes pointed out instead of in! We had all 4 sides together before we tried to put the mattress support in and realized it wouldn't fit. You'd think with this being the SECOND crib we've assembled that we'd know what we were doing. I guess not! We also had a very intense debate about whether or not the stupid stickers (and there were lots of them!) should go towards the mattress or out towards the room. I said there was NO way that many stickers should show! Turns out I was right. Phew!
Finally fully assembled and dressed. We even had drama with the crib bumper. We bought a 6 piece set that included a valance, crib sheet, dust ruffle, bumper, diaper holder, and comforter. So I put it all in the washing machine. I read the instructions and they said machine wash gentle, tumble dry low. I made it through the gentle cycle but when I pulled the bumper out there were torn places on the top and what almost looked like burn marks all over the front. Several of the tabs looked like they were about to come off. Needless to say I was NOT happy. I nearly cried when I got it out! But no worries, Babies R Us really came through and I got a brand new questions asked.
We're doing a nature/tree theme in her room. The owls just happened to come with the tree! It's cute though, don't get me wrong...but I picked it for the tree on the comforter.
Still unsure about the placement. We've got 2 more furniture pieces coming in. One of them is the changer/dresser with a hutch on top. So it's going to be a big piece. Not sure where the best place will be for that. Two windows as you can see, the wall to the left hosts a closet door, and the wall to the right behind the Appalachian Chair (thanks Anna) is the only long solid wall. It just also happens to be the wall that is shared with our room. And is directly where our headboard is located. When we had people over in that spare room and their headboard was adjacent to ours we could hear everything they said. And the one time we were in there painting and Lincoln was sleeping on our bed we woke him up while talking. Not sure that's a good arrangement. What if our tv is on? What if we're talking? I would hate for her to wake up every time we're in our room. We had contemplated putting the crib cadicornered between the two windows, but we feel like that just wastes a lot of space. So when we get the rest of the furniture assembled we'll figure it out. I'm sure we'll move it around like 87 times. ~ Note: That should be read: Anthony will move it around like 87 times!
Other thoughts/events
Lincoln blew us away this weekend. I know I just posted about his language development and how fabulous he is, but I can't help bragging just a little bit more. On Saturday we had what I would call a major breakthrough...Lincoln called himself Lincoln for the first time!! He's always said me, or baby. Baby's room, baby's truck, baby's house. But Saturday he actually called himself Lincoln. Hello self-awareness! What a sweet sound! No he can't say it correctly, but if you pay attention to what he ways you can hear it. Those L's sure are hard to pronounce for little people. It sounds more like Wincworn. But it's precious!
Also, while counting toys with Daddy on Sunday he counted to FIVE all by himself! No kidding! He just started counting...and he didn't stop. Neither Anthony nor I had ever heard him go past 3. He's been counting to 3 for a while. Everything we do it seems like gets a count of 3. But out he came with 5! Who knew?!
And as if that wasn't enough to blow your mind... While I was getting him dressed on Monday morning he noticed I was wearing my ASU shirt. It spelled out Appalachian State. Like he always does he points to the As and says A. But for the first time he pointed to the H and said "ha." It took me 2 or 3 times before I figured out what he was doing. The fridge phonics really paid off!! "Every letter makes a sound H says ha!" Wowey zowey! This kid is amazing and wonderful and so much fun.
I'm beginning to get a little nervous about adding another one to the mix. I almost feel like I'm letting him down because I'm going to be taking so much attention away from him. He's gotten our all for so long now. What's it going to be like when he doesn't get it? When he has to share us? When he has to wait to play with me until I finish feeding Sissy? I love him to pieces and would spend all day every day with him, and it makes me sad to know that this baby will probably break his heart just a little. I'm hoping it goes smoothly.
We're closing in on 31 weeks now. I can't believe it's gone this fast! At the doctor's last week all was well. I'm up to 2 week appointments now. Hooray. I saw Val, the nurse midwife, and she still says she thinks the baby is "petite." She says I don't look 30 weeks pregnant and the fact that I've gained so much less this time than with Lincoln and that I'm just belly leads her to believe we've got a smaller bundle of joy this time. I'm Ok with that! I've only gained 11 1/2 pounds this time. I looked back at my belly book for Lincoln and at 30 weeks I had already gained 28 pounds! What a big difference! I've not really done anything differently this time. I haven't even exercised like I did in the beginning with Lincoln. But I think chasing after a toddler and still working full time, and all the household duties combine to make a great workout. Who has time to sit and put their feet up like when I was pregnant before?! HA!
Hello belly!
Well I think that was all of our weekend fun. I know I still haven't posted about Disney or Christmas. I haven't forgotten...I've just been putting it off! Maybe by the end of the week I can get Christmas together. I'll at least post a few pics of the sweet boy on Christmas morning with his Choo-Choo train! What a stinker he is. I sure do love that boy. And my husband is pretty great too ! :)
1 comment:
By the way, I think that is Ian's crib style...
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