Friday, March 16, 2012

39 weeks...and holding

Come on already!

Yesterday marked 39 weeks for Sweet Girl. And I must admit I'm ready! I love being pregnant, don't get me wrong..but as you come to the end and everything is big and heavy and holy cow it's 85 degrees?! Talk about exhausted! This weather is crazy! Who needs temps that high in the middle of March?! Not this pregnant lady, that's who!  

According to the doctor on Tuesday there is still no change. I'm still 1 cm dilated and 50% thinned out. Even though I've had and continue to have Braxton Hicks contractions for weeks! I have them about every day. Some days I have them for pretty long stretches at a time. But I guess they're not doing anything. I was so hoping they were! 

I know I shouldn't rush it, I know she's healthy and happy where she is. I know when she gets here it will be crazier and more hectic than I could ever imagine...with two!! Gasp! But there are days like yesterday when I just can't be Super Woman anymore. Full time job, full time mom, full time wife, full time homemaker...and I'm just tired. Today, March 16, is the day I predicted she would come. Oh well.. Erin picked tomorrow, of course because it's St. Patrick's Day. And Anna and Anthony both picked Monday the 19th. Maybe they'll be right again! They picked Lincoln's date correctly!!!!!

Anthony is doing great. Working, riding his bike regularly, and feeling super. In fact, he had a clearance test this week where they checked a 24 hour urine and some of each exchange and his numbers were perfect! Even his hemoglobin is back to a normal level. The nurses said the numbers were better than they even expected. No wonder he's been so feisty...he really does feel good! He's decided to send the terrible dialysis machine back. He hates it, it's noisy, he doesn't sleep when he's using it, and he can't get up freely to help with the babies. Every time he uses it he gets frustrated, aggrivated and then doesn't sleep because it doesn't work correctly. This clearance test was after only doing the manual, gravity fed dialysis. So evidently that is working perfectly for him. He enjoys it more anyway. It's nice to feel more free and be disconnected at night time. 

Hopefully the next time I blog it will be about our new arrival!! Here's praying the doctor's aren't right about another prolonged and induced delivery. We're praying she comes quickly and like her brother!
Playing in the ball pit at a big Birthday Bash for our April 2s!

Our sweet, precious Baby Friends. I must say I LOVE these girls and their toddlers! They have surely been there for Lincoln and me no matter what! I know I could call any of them at any time and they'd help in an instant! This was the birthday party for Carter, Sarah, and Micah...our February babies.

Lincoln LOVED the karaoke Elmo! He sang all the songs he knew! Precious.

Oh my. This just melts my heart.


Catie said...

Two things. One - I must have your camera - after playing with it and seeing your gorgeous pictures (especially the up close ones I took) I am in love. 2nd - that picture of Lincoln at the end ALSO melts my heart. He is GORGEOUS. LOVE you.

Lynette Ryhal said...

You're almost there! Hang in there. I feel your pain-it is getting super uncomfortable to be pregnant. Love all the pics!

Anna and Jeromy said...

I'm still thinking the 19th... see you soon!