Sunday, December 21, 2008


School is finally out!!
I love those little guys...but it's sooo nice to be home and resting! I really needed a break. This has been a great year, but it's still so true that absence makes the heart grow fonder!!
I've finally finished all my Christmas shopping, and just today I finished wrapping all my presents today. It feels so good to be finished! 
I'm so excited about Christmas! I can't wait to see my family and eat all that yummy goodness! I have a HUGE sweet tooth and I can't resist my grandma's fudge and peanut butter balls!!
Hope you all have a GREAT and happy week with your families. 
Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Tori said...

MMMMMMM Christmas food! :)
We had taco soup tonight... not quite Christmas yet but close enough!!! :)