Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What gives?!

We had another doctor's visit today. Here are some details:
Val Taylor, CNM (midwife)
40 Weeks + 2 days
2 pounds gained this week
Blood Pressure: 110/60
Baby's heartbeat: 150's
Dilation: 1-1 1/2 cm 50% effaced

Yes, that's right....there's absolutely NO change in dilation or effacement this week. None. Nada. Zero. Val said he's just not ready. She asked me again if I wanted her to strip my membranes but I said no. I want him to stay in there until he's ready. Let's not mess with God and nature. He knows what He's doing.
So here we wait. Again. Just when we start thinking he's getting closer to joining our family it feels like we take a step backwards. How disappointing to know it's not moving along. The doctors will let me go until 42 weeks but after that it becomes dangerous for both of us. He could be gigantic...but the placenta could be breaking down and not providing him with the nutrition he needs. So next week we're scheduled for two visits, one on Monday and one on Thursday. This time, not only will it be an exam but both will also include a Non-Stress Test. That's where they stick me in a quiet, dark room and put me on a fetal monitor for about half an hour. They're looking for his heartrate and movements, making sure he's still doing OK in there. I told them I hoped I didn't make it to those appointments!!
Not to mention that Anna is on vacation this week!!! I really want her to be there! And Erin's in town this week too, it would be the BEST week to have a baby. But alas, I think it's not to be. Since I'm anti induction we'll just wait it out.
And....I promise to let friends and family know he's here before it's posted on Facebook!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Doctor Updates & Nursery Pics

Dr. Miletich
39 Weeks
0 pounds gained this week
Blood Pressure: Great
Baby's heartbeat: 160's
Dilation: 1-1 1/2 cm, -2 station

So...not much has changed this week. Still only 1 to 1 and a half centimeters dilated and 50% effaced. She said I'm at -2 station, so he's dropping a little lower in my pelvis. I asked her to guestimate how big she thought he was. It was pretty funny actually, it's almost like she's hugging my belly to try to feel all of him. She guesses he's between 7 1/2 and 8 pounds, but probably closer to 8. So we'll see how that goes. Anthony says they're never right! Who knows?!
My guess is that he's going to be late. I think he's happy and warm and snuggly and has no interest in leaving that environment. I sure hope he doesn't take too long to get here!
The doctor said they'll happily let me be pregnant until 41 weeks without inducing. I told her we were anti-induction, if he's not ready then he's just not ready. She said if he's still not here and we choose to try to make it to 42 weeks it would involve alot more monitoring. And they won't let me go past 42 weeks. So here's hoping he decides it's time soon...

We finally "finished" the nursery this weekend. Some more furniture came out so others could go in. We hung some super cute bubbles from the ceiling and made sure his tiny new clothes were put away. Here are some pictures of what we've done!Our sweet glider where I'm sure we'll spend plenty of time.A very sweet crib surrounded by friendly ocean animals and eye-catching bubbles.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Doctor Visit

Yesterday, Tuesday, was our 38 week doctor's appointment. It's so much fun to go every week. (yeah, right) I enjoy hearing that heartbeat every week, but I could do without examinations! In fact, I didn't let them check a few times. It was unnecessary.
However, here's what the doctor said yesterday: I am still about 50% thinned out and I am dilated to 1 centimeter! Who knows how long it will last, but it could be days or weeks. Anthony and I have begun to joke about whether it's a good day to have a baby! On the way to work today Ant said his day was packed full, so it'd be OK to go into labor and have to leave work. HA! But last night he said he was tired, so let's not have a baby tonight. I asked when he thought we should put the car seat in the Vue. Soon he said!
We go back next Tuesday...I'll keep you posted.
Oh yeah, and sorry Erin...no baby today! The next prediction is for Sunday the 21st by Jessica Ferrell. We'll see what happens!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

2 Weeks til D-Day!

Can you believe it???
We're only two weeks away from Lincoln's due date! As of today we are 13 days away! How crazy is that?! I alternate between being glad the pregnancy is still so easy and being really ready to see him. I mean to be 38 weeks pregnant I really have nothing to complain about. My feet are swollen at the end of the day, but big deal. It doesn't hurt. My belly's big and I have to push to get up, but that's really no big deal either. I miss some things about not being pregnant, but that'll happen again soon enough. So all in all it's still really easy.
Dad asked me if I was ready. I didn't know what to say. I've never reached "miserable" about being pregnant. I've never felt that I just needed to get him out. Dad just wondered if I really enjoyed having him so close or if I was ready to have him out. I really can't say. It's really easy to go out still, he just goes right along with us. I've not had trouble eating things...or been sick.
I went to visit baby Avah yesterday. My friend, Jessica, and I were pregnant together and she was due the day before me, March 27. But Avah had other plans. So Avah was born Friday night and I snuggled her yesterday. She's sweet and tiny. She weighed 6 pounds 13 ounces and was 21 inches long. She was delivered by C-section b/c Jess's blood pressure spiked and they enduced but she didn't progress. All is well though and Avah is perfect and very, very cute. I did take my camera but stupidly didn't have my memory card in so I couldn't snap her picture. I did take some with Jess' camera so when she sends them to me I can share.
Last week at the doctor I was about 50% thinned out, but not dialated. I go again tomorrow, so I guess we'll see where I am now. Today was my GOAL day at school! I have to teach 120 days for the year to count towards tenure and a year of experience. Because I used 3 sick days this year I had to work a few extra. But as long as I made it to today we're all good! Lincoln can now come whenever he wants! Let's get this party started! I plan on working as long as I still feel good, or until he decides it's time to make his debut. But now I'm READY! I can go out w/out feeling like I didn't do what needed to be done. Very exciting!!
Here's "us" at 38 weeks and counting!!
Aunt Sheila predicted Sunday (yesterday) so I guess she loses *wink*!! The next predicted day is Wednesday, St. Patty's Day. That's Erin's prediction of course....she's all about the Irish! I can't say I'd mind having a little shamrock! Any day now.....

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Just some of our recent misadventures here at the Vance house.

We decided it was time to get the car seat and stroller out of the box. Yes...I got my stroller! So it comes all folded up and in pieces...you have to assemble it. Go figure! This is Anthony's look of pure concentration!

Oh what fun....the mess in my living room! Thankfully it was all put together and cleaned up before long. Anthony thought Lile should try it.

I'd have to say she wasn't crazy about it!! I don't think she's one of those dogs you can push around in a stroller....or the kind you carry around in a bag for that matter! She's awfully cute though!!

I also tried her in the crib. I thought she'd really be upset about it! She just walked around calmly and sniffed EVERYTHING! I even tried to get her out and she backed away from me. I guess she didn't mind it. She still sleeps in a crate, so maybe it was familiar!
You can see parts of the nursery from here...the wave on the wall and the stickers, too. There are super cute fishies, seahorses, a whale, a dolphin, seaweed, and clams and such. They're absolutely adorable. I'll take a bigger, better picture of it when we clean up some more of the shower gifts and clean it up a little bit.

37 week Lamenting

Oh how I miss you...

I miss breathing freely.
I miss sitting in a chair comfortably.
I miss resting my elbows on the table during a meeting.
I miss my lap.
I miss buttons and zippers.
I miss my favorite blue jeans.
I miss the shirts that won't stretch across the belly.
I miss sleeping without snoring.
I miss being able to roll over with ease.
I miss being able to bend over.
I miss getting up without having to hold onto something.
I miss standing up without grunting.
I miss walking without being out of breath.
I miss being able to remember things.
I miss crossing my legs.
I miss wearing my wedding rings.

Most of all.....
I miss wearing belts.
My go-to accessory. I love them. Can't have enough of them. Need them.

I'm looking forward to some of these things again soon...37 weeks is officially full term, so he could come any day and it would be fine. However, I need to work until March 15 for it to count as a full year of teaching and to count towards tenure. We're keeping our fingers crossed!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Vance Shower
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Given by Toni Vance, Aleta Blevins, & Carol Hamby

A yummy, homemade cake. We also had chicken salad, egg salad, and pimento cheese. Everything was homemade with love by Aleta Kay and Gary. It was very yummy. I tried Bree for the first time, an interesting flavor. And of course, fruits, cheeses, and other yummies.

Anthony came to this shower because it was given by his family. His mom, and two aunts were in charge. He was a little silly....but that's to be expected!

A super-cute diaper cake made by Vicky Brown. Those cute little toys light up!! It's covered with socks, bibs, washcloths, pacifiers, and that super cute turtle on top. It's just sitting in Lincoln's room because I don't want to take it apart!

A family friend made balloon figures to decorate the tables. This was my favorite, it's a motorcycle! There was another super cute one that was a stork.
We got some wonderful gifts. From handmade blankets to our video monitor it was all very nice.

Thanks ladies!

Ready to get this show on the road...

Ok, so for the last 9 months I've been saying that pregnancy was wonderful and that I'd like to hold onto him for a while longer. Well...not any more. I'm ready to get things moving. Not that we're "ready" for Lincoln to be here...but I was sick this weekend and that is NOT fun with a big belly! And now the belly is getting so big it's uncomfortable. I don't know what Lincoln was up to yesterday, but he kept trying to push his way out my belly button, very unpleasant!

We went to the doctor on Friday afternoon and had our first internal exam...soo much fun! Everything is going well, blood pressure was great, proteins were great. And FINALLY we checked my iron again and it was above normal. Guess all those raisins paid off. My feet and ankles are swollen, but that's nothing new. His head is down to the left of my pelvis, so my left foot swells worse than my right.

We've had three baby showers since last weekend...sooo wonderful! We got some of the most adorable things! Problem is, now his room is a disaster! Where do I put all that stuff?! I asked one of my friends at school, Kara, to come help me clean it up and organize it. She's a no-nonsense, clutter-free organizer. I really need that right now!

I'll post pictures of the Taylor shower when I get them from Anna...hint, hint! I'll get the Vance shower up today, maybe.